Below is a message from Mrs. Carol:
Good morning Sister-girlfriends,
A guest speaker is coming this Friday evening, Mrs. Pearl Mitchell. She is Linda Norris' sister and T-Bo's mom. She going to share with us about the missions she works with.
Our "Day of Prayer" will be this Friday, 18 Sept. in conjunction with our meeting. I will email out some missionary names later this week that you can pray for. Then on Sunday morning, we will have names of missionaries that you can draw from a basket and pray for them. Mrs. June suggested that we go to the alter and pray for them during the alter call. Sunday morning Teresa K. will tell about Kathleen Mallory and present our offering for the State Missions.
Operation Christmas Child: in addition to the filled boxes, it takes $7.00 to mail each box.
Friday night's menu is "something Mom used to make". Should be an interesting meal and a great evening.
Brenda Rogers volunteered to take care of the child care this week.
Remember to pray for the visitation team as they go out this evening.
a cyber-hug and love,