If you have never watched Beth Moore on Life Today with James and Betty Robison, you are missing a treat! Every Wednesday, Beth teaches on life through the Bible. It is called, "Wednesday's with Beth."
This weeks topic is "Being a Refuge to Others in the Storm". Beth made some very good points that I would like to share with you.
- God may not have called everybody to be a speaker, but God has called everybody to speak.
- You have a voice.
- God not only wants us to learn about what is being preached or studied, He wants us to do it!
- Don't you think that if God timed his Word at this particular season in your life, He wants you to experience it!
- Receive it and express yourself clearly, fluently and powerfully.
- Your mouth is a powerful vessel...How else can you express what Jesus Christ has done for you...How can you pray for others...How can we tell others of the Hope that is in us?
But, what if you get all tongue-tied? God promises in His Word that He can literally take those with stammering speach and turn them into someone that speaks fluently and clearly. If we are going to be a refuge and a shelter, some fresh water and a shadow of a Great Rock for someone in a thirsty land, we have to be able to express ourselves.
Pray for an anointed tongue. You were given a mouth and a voice to speak. Let's get desperate for the things we can have for a change! We are always wanting something we can't have. Wouldn't it be awesome that we would develope a desire for what we can have?
- We can have eyes that could really see.
- We could have ears that could really hear.
- We could have a mind that could know and also understand.
- We could have a mouth that would not stammer but would be fluent and clear.
- We could become a shelter for people, a real-life help and refuge...a sip of fresh water for someone that was thirsty...and a shade to someone in a land of exhaustion.
To be what God needs us to be, we need to submit to the following:
A Refuge in the Storm
- Every single one of us can become a refuge of God to people.
- Every single thing we've been through can be used of God to make us a refuge.
- Every single one of us must take heed not to let Satan pervert our shade into darkness.
In Isaiah 32:2b NIV...each one will be like a shade to people and a refuge.
In Isaiah 32:2a KJV... a hiding place.
Beware: Satan can put us in a pit with others and then we can be overcome by sin.
Galatians 6:1... Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.
We must maintain our integrity to lead others to a refuge. It is profoundly more important that we truly love people that we are helping, than that they like us. (It's more important to have a healthy heart to love others and not worry that they like us). Take the risk to try to be the one to help them. If you can't help them and see no growth in them, then tell them the truth that you might not be the right one to help them. We cannot live up to perfection, but we can and must live up to respect.
Let us be regular people who just decided that as long as we are alive, we want to make a difference! Wanna live the good life? Then let's live our lives to do some good!
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To view this teaching: http://lifetoday.tv/swf/2009/08/90826.htm